[CM] Realtime Grace with Scheme
Rick Taube
taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Nov 28 03:30:17 PST 2007
> That's great news. I was wondering what's going on with Grace, now
> I know. :)
todd and i have been working away. The Grace Common Lisp binding is
working well now and quite stable, im teaching with it and its
functioning just as well as CM with Emacs and Slime which i dont use
any more. Sal is also very stable and easy to teach with.
This new scheme binding has been alot of work and there is still lots
more to do. The big advange over rts is its all in C++ in one
package. we are using vanilla juce threads so things should work
everywhere. the scheme functions we implement are really just
wrappers around C code.
> But how do I actually get sound from your examples ?
[1] Select an output device under the Ports menu of the Consolw WINdow
Ports>MIdi Out> ...
Once you select a device use Ports>Midi Out>Test Output to make
sure you have sound.
[2] Open a lisp buffer, add your code and hit Command-Return after an
expr to eval it. (on linux Command==control key, or use C-x C-e if
you enable emacs commands.)
Do Midi Input in a simiar way:
Ports>Midi In> ...
Ports>Midi In>Test Input
It was tested on Gentoo and it works, but i cant get midiout sound on
my old dell/fedora box. so its either my old machine or some a juce/
linux issue that i dont understand. Grace's code is exactly the same
for Linux and Mac. Things work great on OSX, you can select an
external device or use the Inter Application bus and route data to
SimpleSynth or whatever.
so if you can select output devices but dont get sound ill have to
get help from you how to debug the linux side of things, i dont
understant the midi routing on linux at all.
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