[CM] sc-objects, duration

todd ingalls testcase at asu.edu
Sun May 13 09:25:18 PDT 2007

supercollider will stop rendering after the last event in the score.  
when writing out the score from cm
a dummy event is written 5 seconds after the last event. this is  
settable with the pad keyword . so the following should work.

(events (new simple :time 0 :freq 300 :dur 100) "Desktop/ 
test.osc" :pad 100)

as far as i know this is the only way to get around this problem.

On May 13, 2007, at 9:10 AM, Johannes Quint wrote:

> when i try to create some sc-objects, i never get longer sounds.
> i.e. with sc-object 'simple':
> (events (new simple :time 0 :freq 300 :dur 100) "Desktop/test.osc")
> stopps after ~ 5 secs.
> of course, the same in supercollider works without problems.
> any help? thanks, johannes
> _________________________
> Johannes Quint
> Rilkestr.55
> D-53225 Bonn
> 0228 468256
> johannes.quint at web.de
> http://www.johannes-quint.de

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