[CM] MIDI Player for XP

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu May 10 14:12:25 PDT 2007

the best player ive run accross is timidity, but i dont know if there  
is a windows port or not. would like to know if its avaiable there,  
maybe via cygwin?

On May 10, 2007, at 3:25 PM, Landspeedrecord wrote:

> Hey, this is for Windows XP people only!
> Anyone using a MIDI player that is better than mplayer2.exe or the
> normal windows media player?
> I tried getting some other programs to open the file without any luck.
> For instance a demo version of Live 6 couldn't do it.  The problem I
> suppose is that good sequencers want to import the MIDI files not be
> forced to play them automatically.
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