[CM] CM + SC rts
herbstmondwind at web.de
herbstmondwind at web.de
Sat Mar 31 17:07:44 PDT 2007
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Rick Taube <taube at uiuc.edu>
> Gesendet: 31.03.07 23:38:49
> An: daniel mayer <herbstmondwind at web.de>
> CC: cmdist at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> Betreff: Re: [CM] CM + SC rts
> >
> > Would it be possible to combine CM control of MIDI output and SC
> > realtime (or near realtime)?
> >
> > (progn
> > (events (midi-simple 80 0.2 30 50 0.5) "midi-port.ms")
> > (sprout (sc-simple 80 0.2 500 1500 0.1)))
> >
> > To exchange information between the two actions:
> > Is there a possibility to define them in one process?
> yes, but dont mix (events) with (rts).
> Assuming you have the connection streams in variables, ie:
> (setq *sc* (sc-open))
> (setq *qt* (midishare-open))
> then you can have one process write to whatever rt streams you have
> open using output's 'to' option:
> (defun multi-fun ()
> (process ...
> OUTPUT (new midi ...) TO *qt*
> OUTPUT (new sc-simple ...) TO *sc*
> ...))
> that is, process dont care about what streams are open, oly output does.
> also, if you are using more than one stream its pribably best to open
> rts with NO default streeam and then handle the streams yourself
> using code like above
> (rts NIL)
That's the point! I just didn't see how to mean both streams with rts ...
> > Is double RTS (MIDI + SC stream) possible or necessary for this?
> > SC in NRT mode means writing an OSC file (and then writing an audio
> > file),
> > but is there a possibility of double NRTS:
> > streaming MIDI + OSC output with a little latency?
> > Would also be fine, thanks for any hint.
> sorry not sure what you are asking here, but you should be able to
> open up multiple realtime streams (sc, portmidi, midihare etc) and
> then have one process write to one or all of them.
In the docs it's said that rather low level midi objects should be
used in real time mode, so i thought that -
in order to define all in one process with midi objects - i would have to use
(events) and therefore wouldn't have simultanous output,
as then OSC output would be written to a file.
But if all works in realtime mode, it doesn't matter anyway.
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