[CM] Xemacs/CM error
landspeedrecord at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 17:39:15 PDT 2007
Well I found out what the problem with GNUPLOAT was... and pretty much
all the other problems I have had since I first started...
I was using cm-2.4.2. Once I downloaded 2.10 everything works fine
(for the most part).
I followed this link on the Stanford Common Music "Installing Common
Music" page:
and I naturally downloaded the source that says "cm-latetest.tar.gz".
Which is cm 2.4.2 unfortunately for me.
Hopefully someone will remove the link entirely and only leave the one
pointing to the Sourceforge page or update the tarballs on the
Stanford page. This has been a very frustrating experience and I
would hate for anyone else to make the same mistake I did.
Here is the text on the install page so you can see why I did what I
did and why it led me to wind up using an out of date version of
Common Music:
Installing from FTP
Download the latest CM source archive (cm-latest.tar.gz) from either:
1) Sourceforge Common Music Project
2) ftp://ftp-ccrma.stanford.edu/pub/Lisp/cm/sources
Restore the archive in an appropriate directory on your machine:
Anyway... Thanks to all who have helped me troubleshoot my problems...
I have some new ones now which I will post about in a seperate email.
On 3/27/07, Rick Taube <taube at uiuc.edu> wrote:
> > Here is the error I get as Common Music is loading up and tries to
> > load GNUPLOT:
> > ; Loading "bin\\clisp_2.41_windows-i686\\io.fas"
> > ; Loading "bin\\clisp_2.41_windows-i686\\scheduler.fas"
> > ; Loading "bin\\clisp_2.41_windows-i686\\gnuplot.fas"
> > *** - FIND-CLASS: GNUPLOT-FILE does not name a class
> the symbol 'gnuplot-file' does not appear in gnuplot.lisp at all so i
> have no idea what this error is being caused by.
> i would throw out your current .fas files -- just delete the cm/bin/
> clisp_2.41_windows-i686 directory with everything in it -- and also
> delete the src/gnuplot.lisp file so it will be regenerated when cm
> starts next. then send me that trace if it bombs again.
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