[CM] mouse-drag-hook in FTH?

Charles Turner vze26m98@optonline.net
Tue, 27 Mar 2007 17:26:33 -0400

Hi all-

>From the examples in the manuals (more-or-less) I can get this to work:

mouse-click-hook lambda: <{ snd chn button state x y axis -- }> 
 axis time-graph = if 
   $" x: %d y: %d" '( x y ) string-format 
   snd #f report-in-minibuffer 
; add-hook! 

However, this doesn't produce any ouput:

mouse-drag-hook lambda: <{ snd chn button state x y -- }>
 axis time-graph = if 
   $" x: %d y: %d" '( x y ) string-format 
   snd #f report-in-minibuffer 
; add-hook!

What am I misunderstanding here?

Many thanks, Charles
