[CM] cm/clisp/xemacs

Johannes Quint Johannes.Quint at web.de
Mon Mar 26 03:44:15 PDT 2007

trying to load cm under windows, i still have problems.
with clisp 2.4.1 under xemacs, i've used the following
startup code:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/lisp/slime-2.0/")
(defvar cm-directory "C:/lisp/cm")

(defvar cm-startfile "cm.bat")

(let* ((els (concat cm-directory "/etc/xemacs"))
       (bin (concat cm-directory "/bin/"
       (load-path (cons els load-path)))
  (load "listener")
  (load "cm")
  (setq inferior-lisp-program bin))

now, when i try 'M-x cm', i get:
'Searching for program: No such file or directory, cm'
but - strange - i can do 'M-x lisp-mode' and i get a listener,
automatically loading the cm-sources.
this is probably a pathname-problem -
any ideas how to solve it?


Johannes Quint
D-53225 Bonn
0228 468256
johannes.quint at web.de

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