[CM] GUILE -> Abnormal Exit (snd-rt)
Esben Stien
b0ef at esben-stien.name
Sun Mar 25 14:55:48 PDT 2007
"Kjetil S. Matheussen" <k.s.matheussen at notam02.no> writes:
> replace the "synthesize" function with your own sound generator [..]
> plus add some code to set the "freq" variable and reset the phase of
> "osc" in the "not-playing-func" function
I'm on thin ice here;), but after initially changing the synthesize
function and creating the freq and oscil, I'm getting the following
after I compiled the code and tried to evaluate (san-dysth). The error
message abut too many arguments seems trivial to fix, but I can't
figure out where this is happening, sorry;).
The modified code is below.
Error. What the? c-nevercalled-true? is never supposed to be called. Arguments: (#<src: width: 20, x: 0,000, incr: 0,000, sinc table len: 20000>)
rt-compiler/<rt-type>. Wrong type. " sr " with value " #<src: width: 20, x: 0,000, incr: 0,000, sinc table len: 20000> " is not a <mus_any-*> .
wrong-type: ()
In current input:
2: 0* [san-dysth]
?: 1 (let-optional* lambda*:G538 () ...)
?: 2 (let* () (let* (# #) (let* # #)))
?: 3 (let-keywords* lambda*:G538 #f ...)
?: 4 (let* (# #) (let* # #))
?: 5 (let* (# # # # ...) (let* () #))
?: 6 (let* () (letrec (# # # #) (system #) (system #) ...))
?: 7 (let* (# # # # ...) (set! filename #) (set! num-synths polyphony) ...)
?: 8* (set! synths (make-synths))
?: 9 (set! synths (make-synths))
?: 10* [make-synths]
?: 11 (let* ((ins #)) (for-each (lambda # #) (c-butlast ins)) ins)
?: 12* [map #<procedure #f ((synth-num) (let* # instrument))> (0 1 2 ...)]
?: 13* [#<procedure #f ((synth-num) (let* # instrument))> 0]
?: 14* (let* ((note-vol 0) (note 0) (pan_left 1) ...) instrument)
?: 15* ((caddr rt_genb50))
?: 16 (let* () (let* (# # # #) (if #t #) (if #t #) ...))
?: 17 (let* (# # # #) (if #t #) (if #t #) ...)
?: 18* (begin (rt_genb146 procarg (#<procedure this #> (quote transform) sr ...)))
?: 19 [rt_genb146 ("A_POINTER" 151409144) ...
?: 20* (->2 #<procedure this ((name . rest) (apply # rest))> transform ...)
?: 21 [this transform # sr ...]
?: 22 [apply #<procedure this->transform #> (# sr #<procedure #f #)]
?: 23 [this->transform # sr #<procedure #f #]
?: 24 (let* ((das-add-extra-gc-var-func #)) (let* () (if # #) (let* () #)))
?: 25 (let* () (if (not #) (error "Too many arguments.")) (let* () (let* # #)))
?: 26 (let* () (let* ((ret #)) (if (and # #) (begin # #) ret)))
In /usr/local/snd-ls/snd-8/rt-compiler.scm:
2795: 27 (let* ((ret #)) (if (and # #) (begin # #) ret))
2795: 28* (if (not #) (begin # #) (if transformfunc # var))
2796: 29 (begin # #)
2798: 30 [gsubr-apply #<primitive-procedure throw> wrong-type]
wrong-type: ()
In current input:
2: 0* [san-dysth]
?: 1 (let-optional* lambda*:G538 () ...)
?: 2 (let* () (let* (# #) (let* # #)))
?: 3 (let-keywords* lambda*:G538 #f ...)
?: 4 (let* (# #) (let* # #))
?: 5 (let* (# # # # ...) (let* () #))
?: 6 (let* () (letrec (# # # #) (system #) (system #) ...))
?: 7 (let* (# # # # ...) (set! filename #) (set! num-synths polyphony) ...)
?: 8* (set! synths (make-synths))
?: 9 (set! synths (make-synths))
?: 10* [make-synths]
?: 11 (let* ((ins #)) (for-each (lambda # #) (c-butlast ins)) ins)
?: 12* [map #<procedure #f ((synth-num) (let* # instrument))> (0 1 2 ...)]
?: 13* [#<procedure #f ((synth-num) (let* # instrument))> 0]
?: 14* (let* ((note-vol 0) (note 0) (pan_left 1) ...) instrument)
?: 15* ((caddr rt_genb50))
?: 16 (let* () (let* (# # # #) (if #t #) (if #t #) ...))
?: 17 (let* (# # # #) (if #t #) (if #t #) ...)
?: 18* (begin (rt_genb146 procarg (#<procedure this #> (quote transform) sr ...)))
?: 19 [rt_genb146 ("A_POINTER" 151409144) ...
?: 20* (->2 #<procedure this ((name . rest) (apply # rest))> transform ...)
?: 21 [this transform # sr ...]
?: 22 [apply #<procedure this->transform #> (# sr #<procedure #f #)]
?: 23 [this->transform # sr #<procedure #f #]
?: 24 (let* ((das-add-extra-gc-var-func #)) (let* () (if # #) (let* () #)))
?: 25 (let* () (if (not #) (error "Too many arguments.")) (let* () (let* # #)))
?: 26 (let* () (let* ((ret #)) (if (and # #) (begin # #) ret)))
In /usr/local/snd-ls/snd-8/rt-compiler.scm:
2795: 27 (let* ((ret #)) (if (and # #) (begin # #) ret))
2795: 28* (if (not #) (begin # #) (if transformfunc # var))
2796: 29 (begin # #)
2798: 30 [gsubr-apply #<primitive-procedure throw> wrong-type]
Below is the modified code. I've not done much, except changing the
synthesize function and adding an oscil and the freq.
(definstrument (san-dysth :key
(middlenote 60)
(polyphony 32)
(check-overruns #t)
(das-vol 0.344)
(pitch 0.794)
(octave 6)
(period 920)
(maximum-drunk-change (/ 8.226 10000))
(unrandom 0.0)
(maximum-add-val (/ 1.545 100))
(a1 0.698)
(a2 0)
(a3 0)
(b1 0.474)
(b2 0.723)
(b3 0.426)
(attack 0.093)
(attack-peak 3.699)
(sustain 0.05)
(release 0.05)
(src-width 20)
(regular #f)
(reverb-val 0.922))
(define* (make-reverb-old)
(let ((l (make-ladspa "cmt" "freeverb3")))
(let ((plugin l))
(ladspa-set! plugin 0 0.0 )
(ladspa-set! plugin 1 0.814999997615814 )
(ladspa-set! plugin 2 0.617999970912933 )
(ladspa-set! plugin 3 1.0 )
(ladspa-set! plugin 4 0.0 )
(ladspa-set! plugin 5 0.7 )
(define* (make-reverb)
(let ((l (make-ladspa "g2reverb.so" "G2reverb")))
(let ((plugin l))
(ladspa-set! plugin 0 52.4360008239746 )
(ladspa-set! plugin 1 2.45300006866455 )
(ladspa-set! plugin 2 0.225999996066093 )
(ladspa-set! plugin 3 0.566999971866608 )
(ladspa-set! plugin 4 -80.0 )
(ladspa-set! plugin 5 -33.5200004577637 )
(ladspa-set! plugin 6 -43.8779983520508 )
(define (filename-without-path path)
(let ((chars (reverse! (string->list path)))
(result '()))
(while (and (not (null? chars))
(not (char=? (car chars) #\/)))
(set! result (cons (car chars) result))
(set! chars (cdr chars)))
(list->string result)))
(define presetpath (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.san_dysth/presets/"))
(system (string-append "mkdir -p " presetpath " >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"))
(system (string-append "mkdir -p " presetpath "/backup >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"))
(system (string-append "mkdir -p " presetpath "/tmp >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"))
(system (string-append "mkdir -p " presetpath "/examples >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"))
(if (defined? '*san-dysth-example-presets*)
(system (string-append "cp -u " *san-dysth-example-presets* "/* " presetpath "/examples/ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null")))
(primitive-eval '(define synth-load-save-parameters '(polyphony
attack attack-peak sustain release
das-vol pitch octave period maximum-drunk-change unrandom maximum-add-val
a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 b3
src-width reverb-val
(filename (<-> presetpath "tmp/preset.scm"))
(num-synths polyphony)
(num-playing 0)
(all-isplaying (make-vct 16))
(reverb-bus (make-bus 2))
(reverb (make-reverb))
(min-release 0.000001)
(reverb-glide-vol (make-glide-var 1.0 0.001))
(autopan (make-var 1))
(notes (make-vct (1+ num-synths)))
(volumes (make-vct (1+ num-synths)))
(a4 (make-oscil :frequency 440))
(get-attack-inc (lambda (attack-peak attack)
(/ (* attack-peak 256)
(* (mus-srate) attack))))
(get-sustain-dec (lambda (attack-peak sustain)
(/ (- attack-peak 1)
(* (mus-srate) sustain))))
(get-release-mul (lambda (release)
(expt min-release (/ 1 (* (mus-srate) release)))))
(lambda ()
(let ((ins
(lambda (synth-num)
(let* (
(note-vol 0)
(note 0)
(pan_left 1)
(pan_right 1)
(freq 200)
(osc (make-oscil :frequency 200))
(sr (make-src :srate 0 :width src-width))
;;(attack (make-env `(0 0 0.7 1.9 1.0 1.0) #:duration attack))
(attack-val 0)
(attack-inc (get-attack-inc attack-peak attack))
(sustain-val attack-peak)
(sustain-dec (get-sustain-dec attack-peak sustain))
(release-val 1.0)
(release-mul (get-release-mul release))
;;(release-dec (/ 256 (* (mus-srate) release)))
(is-playing #f)
(src-val 0)
(is-attacking #t)
(is-sustaining #f)
(is-releasing #f)
(val 0)
(addval 0)
(period period)
(periodcounter period)
(inc-addval #f)
(maximum-add-val maximum-add-val)
(maximum-drunk-change maximum-drunk-change)
(last-time 0)
(regular-periods regular)
(volume (make-glide-var das-vol 0.01))
(rate (* 0.1 (expt 2 (+ octave pitch))))
(das-filter (make-filter 4 (vct 1 b1 b2 b3) (vct 1 (- a1) (- a2) (- a3))))
(das-delay (make-delay 500))
;; (das-osc (make-oscil))
(lambda ()
(declare (<double> release-val release-mul)
(<int> last-time synth-num note is-playing is-releasing is-attacking))
(define (scale x x1 x2 y1 y2)
(+ y1
(/ (* (- x x1)
(- y2 y1))
(- x2 x1))))
(define (get-pan-vals pan)
(let ((scale ,(- 2 (* 2 (sqrt 2))))
(x (scale pan -1 1 0 1)))
(vct (* (- 1 x)
(+ (* scale (- 1 x))
(- 1 scale)))
(* x (+ (* scale x)
(- 1 scale))))))
(define (synthesize)
(* (read-glide-var volume)
(oscil osc (hz->radians freq))))
(if (not is-playing)
(if (not (= (rt-get-time) last-time))
(let ((notes-note (the <int> (vct-ref notes synth-num))))
(set! last-time (rt-get-time))
(if (> notes-note 0)
(set! is-playing #t)
(set! note (vct-ref notes synth-num))
(let* ((mi 20)
(ma 107)
(val (max mi (min ma note)))
(vals (get-pan-vals (scale val mi ma -1 1))))
(set! pan_left (* ,(sqrt 2) (vct-ref vals 0)))
(set! pan_right (* ,(sqrt 2) (vct-ref vals 1))))
(set! is-attacking #t)
(set! is-releasing #f)
(set! is-sustaining #f)
(mus-reset das-delay)
;;(mus-reset attack)
;;(mus-reset release)
(set! attack-val 0.0)
(set! sustain-val attack-peak)
(set! release-val 1.0)
(mus-reset sr)
(set! src-val (let ((middlenote (midi-to-freq middlenote))
(srcval (midi-to-freq note)))
(set! srcval (- srcval middlenote))
(set! srcval (/ srcval middlenote))
(1+ srcval)))
(set! note-vol (vct-ref volumes synth-num))
(set! num-playing (1+ num-playing))
;;(printf "aiai %x %x %x %f %f\\n" control data1 data2 src-val vol)
(if (< notes-note 0) ;; Did not get time to play.
(vct-set! notes synth-num 0)))))
(if (not is-releasing)
(if (not (= (rt-get-time) last-time))
(set! last-time (rt-get-time))
(if (< (vct-ref notes synth-num) 1)
;;(printf "Starting to release %d/%d\\n" synth-num note)
(set! is-releasing #t))))))
(let ((outval (* 0.2 note-vol (synthesize)))
(my-out (lambda (a b)
(declare (<double> a b))
(if (> (read-var autopan) 0)
(set! a (* a pan_left))
(set! b (* b pan_right))))
(out (vct a b)))))
(declare (<double> outval))
(cond (is-attacking
(set! outval (* outval (/ attack-val 256)))
(my-out outval
(delay das-delay outval))
(set! attack-val (+ attack-val attack-inc))
(if (>= attack-val (* attack-peak 256))
(set! is-attacking #f)
(set! is-sustaining #t))))
(set! outval (* outval sustain-val))
(my-out outval
(delay das-delay outval))
(set! sustain-val (- sustain-val sustain-dec))
(if (<= sustain-val 1.0)
(set! is-sustaining #f)))
(my-out (* release-val outval)
(* release-val (delay das-delay outval)))
(set! release-val (* release-val release-mul))
;;(set! release-val (- release-val release-dec))
(if (<= release-val min-release) ;; check for (min-relase * reverb-val) as well?
(set! is-playing #f)
(vct-set! notes synth-num 0)
(set! num-playing (1- num-playing)))))
(my-out outval
(delay das-delay outval)))))))))))
(iota (1+ num-synths)))))
(for-each (lambda (instr)
(-> instr play #:position 'last))
(c-butlast ins))
(make-midi-input (lambda ()
(<rt-play> #:position 'first
(lambda ()
(receive-midi (lambda (control data1 data2)
(set! control (logand #xf0 control))
(if (and (< num-playing num-synths)
(= control #x90)
(> data2 0))
(let loop ((synth-num 0))
(declare (<int> synth-num))
(if (= (vct-ref notes synth-num) 0)
;;(printf "synth-num %d %d %f\\n" synth-num data1 (vct-ref notes synth-num))
(vct-set! volumes synth-num (/ data2 128.0))
(vct-set! notes synth-num data1))
(if (< synth-num (1- num-synths))
(loop (1+ synth-num)))))
(if (or (= control #x80)
(and (= control #x90)
(= data2 0)))
(let loop ((synth-num 0))
(if (= (vct-ref notes synth-num) data1)
(vct-set! notes synth-num (- data1))
(if (< synth-num (1- num-synths))
(loop (1+ synth-num)))))))))))))
(make-reverb-instrument (lambda ()
(set! reverb (make-reverb))
(<rt-play> #:position 'last
(lambda ()
(out (vct-scale! (ladspa-run reverb (read-bus *out-bus*))
(* reverb-val 40 (read-glide-var reverb-glide-vol))))))))
(synths (make-synths))
(midi-input (make-midi-input))
(reverb-instrument (make-reverb-instrument))
(440-instrument (<rt> (lambda ()
(out (* 0.1 (oscil a4))))))
(440-playing #f)
(a4-playing #f)
(a4-stop (lambda ()
(if a4-playing
(-> (last synths) stop)
(vct-set! notes num-synths -57)
(set! a4-playing #f)))))
(a4-start (lambda ()
(if (not a4-playing)
(-> (last synths) play #:position 'last)
(vct-set! volumes num-synths 0.9)
(vct-set! notes num-synths 57)
(set! a4-playing #t)))))
(440-stop (lambda ()
(if 440-playing
(-> 440-instrument stop)
(set! 440-playing #f)))))
(440-start (lambda ()
(if (not 440-playing)
(-> 440-instrument play)
(set! 440-playing #t)))))
(stop-all (lambda (restfunc)
(for-each (lambda (instrument)
(write-glide-var (-> instrument volume) 0.0))
(c-butlast synths))
(write-glide-var reverb-glide-vol 0.0)
(in 10
(lambda ()
(for-each (lambda (instrument) (-> instrument stop)) (c-butlast synths))
(set! notes (make-vct (1+ num-synths)))
(-> reverb-instrument stop)
(-> midi-input stop)
(if restfunc
(start-all (lambda (stop?)
(let ((doit (lambda ()
(set! synths (make-synths))
(write-glide-var reverb-glide-vol 1.0)
(set! midi-input (make-midi-input))
(set! reverb-instrument (make-reverb-instrument)))))
(if stop?
(stop-all doit)
(lambda (func)
(let ((dialog (GTK_FILE_SELECTION (gtk_file_selection_new "aiai"))))
(gtk_file_selection_set_filename dialog presetpath)
(c-g_signal_connect (.ok_button dialog)
(lambda (w d)
(func (gtk_file_selection_get_filename dialog))
(gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET dialog))))
(c-g_signal_connect (.cancel_button dialog)
(lambda (w d)
(gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET dialog))))
(gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET dialog)))))
(primitive-eval '(define-macro (make-varlist-macro)
`(list ,@(map (lambda (var)
`(list ',var ,var))
(lambda (preset-filename)
(let ((fd (open-file preset-filename "w")))
(pretty-print `(define synth-preset-temp ',(make-varlist-macro))
(close fd)))))
'(define-macro (read-varlist-macro)
`(begin ,@(map
(lambda (var)
`(let ((a (assoc ',var synth-preset-temp)))
(if a
(set! ,var (cadr a)))))
(lambda (preset-filename)
(stop-all (lambda ()
(gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (-> d dialog)) preset-filename)
(for-each (lambda (slider)
(-> slider delete!))
(load preset-filename)
(set! a2 0)(set! a3 0)
(set! sliders (make-sliders))
(start-all #f))))))
(save-backup (lambda (backup-filename)
(system (<-> "cp -f \"" backup-filename "\" \"" presetpath "/backup/"
(filename-without-path backup-filename) "-"(string-append (string #\`)) "date -Iseconds" (string-append (string #\`)) "\""
" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"))))
(preset-A (<-> presetpath "tmp/synth-preset-A"))
(preset-B (<-> presetpath "tmp/synth-preset-B"))
(load-here (lambda ()
(get-filename (lambda (preset-filename)
(save-backup filename)
(load-preset preset-filename)
(save-preset preset-A)
(save-preset preset-B)
(gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (-> d dialog)) preset-filename)
(set! filename preset-filename)))))
(save (lambda ()
(save-backup filename)
(save-preset filename)))
(save-as (lambda ()
(get-filename (lambda (preset-filename)
(save-backup preset-filename)
(save-preset preset-filename)
(gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (-> d dialog)) preset-filename)
(set! filename preset-filename)))))
(exit-synth (lambda ()
(stop-all #f)
(-> d hide)
(set! check-overruns #f)
(d (<dialog> "SAN DYSTH" exit-synth
"A" (lambda () (save-preset preset-B) (load-preset preset-A))
"B" (lambda () (save-preset preset-A) (load-preset preset-B))
"-->A/B" (lambda () (save-preset preset-A) (save-preset preset-B))
"Save As" save-as
"Save" save
"Load" load-here
"Reverb GUI" (lambda () (make-ladspa-gui reverb))
"Close" exit-synth))
(for-all-instruments (lambda (func)
(lambda (val)
(for-each (lambda (instrument)
(func instrument val))
(<checkbutton2> (lambda args
(let ((ret (apply <checkbutton> args)))
(-> ret add-method 'delete! (<- ret remove))
(make-sliders (lambda ()
; (map (lambda (args)
; (apply (lambda (name minval var maxval resolution func)
; (<slider> d name 0 var 2.0 (for-all-instruments func) resolution))
; `(("Amplitude" 0 ,das-vol 2.0 1000 ,(lambda (instrument val)
; (write-glide-var (-> instrument volume) (* (if (> unrandom 0) 0.01 1) das-vol))))
; ("Pitch" ...)))
(<slider> d "Amplitude" 0 das-vol 2.0 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! das-vol val)
(write-glide-var (-> instrument volume) (* (if (> unrandom 0) 0.01 1) das-vol))))
(<slider> d "Pitch" 0 pitch 1 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! pitch val)
(set! (-> instrument rate) (* 0.1 (expt 2 (+ octave pitch))))))
(<slider> d "Octave" 0 octave 8 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! octave val)
(set! (-> instrument rate) (* 0.1 (expt 2 (+ octave pitch))))))
(<slider> d "src-width" 2 src-width 40 (lambda (val)
(set! src-width val)
(start-all #t))
(<slider> d "Period" 2 period 2000 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! period val)
(set! (-> instrument period) val)))
(<slider> d "Max change" 0.1 (* 10000 maximum-drunk-change) 40 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! maximum-drunk-change (/ val 10000))
(set! (-> instrument maximum-drunk-change) (sin (/ val 10000)))))
;; Unrandom can be very cool, but also very dangerous for ears and loudspeakers to play with.
;; (<slider> d "Unrandom" 0.0 0 2.0 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
;; (if (or (and (> val 0)
;; (= 0 (-> instrument unrandom)))
;; (and (= val 0)
;; (> (-> instrument unrandom) 0)))
;; (begin
;; (write-glide-var (-> instrument volume) (* (if (> val 0) 0.01 1) das-vol))
;; (set! (-> instrument rate) (* (if (> val 990) 0.001 0.1) (expt 2 (+ octave pitch))))))
;; (set! unrandom val)
;; (set! (-> instrument unrandom) val)))
;; 1000)
(<slider> d "Max add" 0.1 (* 100 maximum-add-val) 10 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! maximum-add-val (/ val 100))
(set! (-> instrument maximum-add-val) (/ val 100))))
(<slider> d "-a1" -1 a1 1.0 (lambda (val)
(if (> (+ val a2 a3) 1)
(set! val (- 1 a2 a3))
(-> (list-ref sliders 7) set! val)))
(set! a1 val)
;;(c-display (+ (abs a1) (abs a2) (abs a3)))
(for-each (lambda (instrument)
(vct-set! (mus-ycoeffs (-> instrument das-filter)) 1 (- val)))
(<slider> d "-a2" -1 a2 1.0 (lambda (val)
(if (> (+ val a1 a3) 1)
(set! val (- 1 a1 a3))
(-> (list-ref sliders 8) set! val)))
(set! a2 val)
;;(c-display (+ (abs a1) (abs a2) (abs a3)))
(for-each (lambda (instrument)
(vct-set! (mus-ycoeffs (-> instrument das-filter)) 2 (- val)))
(<slider> d "-a3" -1 a3 1.0 (lambda (val)
(if (> (+ val a1 a2) 1)
(set! val (- 1 a1 a2))
(-> (list-ref sliders 9) set! val)))
(set! a3 val)
;;(c-display (+ (abs a1) (abs a2) (abs a3)))
(for-each (lambda (instrument)
(vct-set! (mus-ycoeffs (-> instrument das-filter)) 3 (- val)))
(<slider> d "b1" -1 b1 1.0 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! b1 val)
(vct-set! (mus-xcoeffs (-> instrument das-filter)) 1 val)))
(<slider> d "b2" -1 b2 1.0 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! b2 val)
(vct-set! (mus-xcoeffs (-> instrument das-filter)) 2 val)))
(<slider> d "b3" -1 b3 1.0 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! b3 val)
(vct-set! (mus-xcoeffs (-> instrument das-filter)) 3 val)))
(<slider> d "attack" 0.005 attack 2.0 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! attack val)
(set! (-> instrument attack-inc)
(get-attack-inc (-> instrument attack-peak) attack))))
(<slider> d "attack-peak" 1.00 attack-peak 10.0 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! attack-peak val)
(set! (-> instrument attack-peak) val)
(set! (-> instrument attack-inc) (get-attack-inc val attack))
(set! (-> instrument sustain-dec) (get-sustain-dec val sustain))))
(<slider> d "sustain" 0.005 sustain 2.0 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! sustain val)
(set! (-> instrument sustain-dec) (get-sustain-dec (-> instrument attack-peak)
(<slider> d "release" 0.005 release 2.0 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! release val)
(set! (-> instrument release-mul) (get-release-mul val))))
(<checkbutton2> d "On/Off" (lambda (val) (if val
(start-all #t)
(stop-all #f)))
(<checkbutton2> d "Autopan" (lambda (val) (if val
(write-var autopan 1)
(write-var autopan 0)))
(<checkbutton2> d "Regular" (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! regular val)
(set! (-> instrument regular-periods) (if val 1 0))))
(<checkbutton2> d "Play A4" (lambda (val) ((if val a4-start a4-stop))))
(<checkbutton2> d "Play 440Hz" (lambda (val) ((if val 440-start 440-stop))))
(<slider> d "reverb" 0 reverb-val 2.0 (for-all-instruments (lambda (instrument val)
(set! reverb-val val)
(set! (-> reverb-instrument reverb-val) val)))
;;(set! (-> instrument reverb-val) val)))
(sliders (make-sliders)))
(save-preset preset-A)
(save-preset preset-B)
(-> d show)
(letrec ((check-overrun (let ((lastval (last (rte-info))))
(lambda ()
(let ((newval (last (rte-info))))
(if (> newval lastval)
(c-display "Using too much CPU. Skipping. (" newval "skips since start (try lowering period+pitch/octave, src-width and/or polyphony))")
(set! lastval newval))))
(if check-overruns
(in 1000 check-overrun))))))
Esben Stien is b0ef at e s a
http://www. s t n m
irc://irc. b - i . e/%23contact
sip:b0ef@ e e
jid:b0ef@ n n
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