[CM] CMN - certain tuplets not displaying correctly w. (rq x/x)

Bill Sack bsack23 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 19:36:24 PDT 2007

hi again,
i discovered another cmn problem tonight -
in this form of rq :
(cmn (output-file "/tmp/test.eps")
(staff treble
      (c5 (rq 1/6))
      (c5 (rq 5/6))
      (a4 (rq 2/7))
      (a4 (rq 5/7))
... the second, longer note of the tuplet is displayed as a quarternote in
both cases instead of a sixteenth tied to a quarter. when the longer value
is  first, i.e.
(rq 5/7)
(rq 2/7)
... the correct values are displayed.

bill sack
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