[CM] ats which lisp

Juan Pampin juan at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Mar 8 11:30:00 PST 2007

Hi Juan,
unfortunately I couldn't port ATS from clm-2 to clm-3 due to the
drastic change in clm-struct (I'd basically have to re-write
everything from scratch, since I was using pointers to arrays which
are no longer supported). That said, the code should work without
problems in clm-2 (if you manage to compile clm-2 in sbcl or cmucl).
There is a C version of ATS that you can download from SouceForge
which implements the analysis functions and comes with a simple GUI
written in GTK. I know Fernando has been using this for his last piece
and managed to read the analysis data into clm-3, so he is "the man"
You can find links to most of the stuff from this page:

On 3/8/07, Juan I Reyes <juanig at maginvent.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I hate to make Juan Pampin respond to this email but I should say I miss
> a lot ATS in SBCL and even in the new CMUCl.
> Has anyone been able to run ATS beyond ACL5 on PlaneCCRMA ?
>   --* Juan Reyes
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