[CM] on several voice

Bill Schottstaedt bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Mar 6 05:00:56 PST 2007

If you just want the rests below the main staff, you don't need any
extra function; just use the dy "message":

(cmn (setf s1 (staff (meter 4 4) begin-repeat-bar 
                     g5 (note-head :x) stem-up 
                     g5 (note-head :x) stem-up 
                     g5 (note-head :x) stem-up 
                     g5 (note-head :x) stem-up end-repeat-bar)) 
     (staff (tied-to s1) (d4 e.) (b4 s)
            (eighth-rest invisible)
            (d4 e stem-down)(d4 e.) (d4 s) (f4 q))
     (staff (tied-to s1)
            (eighth-rest (dy -1.2)) (b3 e (note-head :circled-x) stem-down)
            (eighth-rest (dy -1.2)) (b3 e (note-head :circled-x) stem-down)
            (eighth-rest (dy -1.2)) (b3 e (note-head :circled-x) stem-down)
            (eighth-rest (dy -1.2)) (b3 e (note-head :circled-x) stem-down)))

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