[CM] Re: failed when trying to run snd-ls for the first time

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Mon Jun 25 01:32:02 PDT 2007

On Sun, 24 Jun 2007, Renick Bell wrote:

> Thank you for your help.
>>  about. Can you try the following?
>>  cd /tmp/
>>  wget http://www.notam02.no/~kjetism/rt-compiler.scm.gz
>>  gzip -d rt-compiler.scm.gz
>>  mv -f rt-compiler.scm /usr/local/snd-ls/snd-8/
>>  rm -fr ~/snd-eval-c-cache/*
>>  /usr/local/bin/snd-ls
> I followed the steps you gave, and it launched fine. I did notice this
> message, though, because I hadn't started jack yet:

Yes, the problem is only there when running jack.

> Thinking that I want to play with the RT-Player (from limited
> experience with snd-ls on a previous Gentoo install), I closed snd-ls
> and started jack. Then I tried running snd-ls again. I then received
> this error:

Its the same error as before. :-(

Can you try:

rm -fr ~/snd-eval-c-cache/*
export CFLAGS='-Wl,--whole-archive'


(I'm just guessing now. I have no idea whats happening.)

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