[CM] Real Time Safe (Snd-9.1)

Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Sat Jun 23 07:29:17 PDT 2007

On Sat, 23 Jun 2007, Esben Stien wrote:

> "Kjetil S. Matheussen" <k.s.matheussen at notam02.no> writes:
> > If you load rt-player.scm you will have a real time audio thread.
> Yes, running snd-ls now, so I guess that is loaded, but I still get
> frequent crackles. I also hear distortion when I draw a region with
> the mouse. I know that the audio thread is real time, but the GUI
> thread is also real time, even with rt-player.scm loaded, to my
> understanding.

If the gui thread runs with realtime priority, that means that you are 
using snd's player and not the one in rt-player.scm.

If you are only using the player in rt-player.scm, the gui does not run 
with realtime priority.

Besides, the realtime priority of the gui is lower than any of the sound 
player threads, so its impossible that it can interrupt the sound and 
cause crackling.

What happens is that you are using filtering, the expand function, ladspa 
plugins, or something else which the rt-player does not handle.
Snd's player is used instead when that happens. Either that, or you are 
not playing using either space, p, or the mouse scroll wheel, which have 
all been configured to use (rt-snd-play) instead of (play).

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