[CM] Selecting a sound

e deleflie edeleflie at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 04:54:28 PDT 2007

but the error is on the line


where insound is defined by:

 (let ((insound (open-sound fullfilename)))

If I do

I get the same result: misc-error: (#f Wrong type to apply: ~S ((0)) #f)

The doc for select-sound says it takes an index.... have I overlooked
something ?


On 6/15/07, Bill Schottstaedt <bil at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> > (display (format #f "Currently selected Sound is ~D \n" (selected-sound)))
> selected-sound returns #f if there is no selected sound.  The ~D format
> directive wants an integer.  So, use ~A instead.
> On Ladspa, the plugin tells Snd how many inputs and outputs it wants,
> and it handles the rest.  I could add the usual "snd chn edpos" args to
> apply-ladspa -- or maybe use a different name like ladspa-channel.
> Seems late in the game to add anything -- isn't ladspa in its current
> incarnation dead?

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