[CM] adding an extra channel

e deleflie edeleflie@gmail.com
Wed, 13 Jun 2007 12:18:48 +1000

On 6/13/07, Bill Schottstaedt <bil@ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> I think in your code you have a line like
>   (for-each free-sample-reader readers)
> which applies free-sample-reader to each member of the list readers.
> Since this list can now have #f as well, that line needs to be
>   (for-each (lambda (r) (if r (free-sample-reader r))) readers)

ah yes .... if I'd paid more attention to the error message .....

Now I've come across an other problem (which perhaps invalidates the
null reader solution?) the LADSPA plugin has 4 output channels.... it
seems that the plugin writes to the same buffer as the input
channels... there is no error thrown from the LADSPA wrapper itself,
but when I try to save the 4 output channels (as mono) the 4th one
doesn't exist ...

I guess maybe I should revert top Kjetil's suggestion?
