[CM] listener features

plutek at infinity.net plutek at infinity.net
Thu Jun 7 08:12:22 PDT 2007


i am (finally) digging into the depths of snd, using scheme in the listener to accomplish various tasks; as you all know, the facilities provided there are nothing short of amazing -- thanks, bill, for all your years of work!

my question is this: what features are present in the listener to facilitate editing/re-using blocks or lines of code. i know that simply placing the cursor in a previously-run block (possibly after editing it) and hitting return will run that block of code again. however, hunting back through many lines of work for the appropriate bit of stuff can be tedious.

i'm running snd-ls -- since it's gtk, not motif, the M-p and M-n keystrokes are not available. are there other facilities for things like the shell command history or reverse-i-search, or is it a better tactic to just edit a few consistently-named scheme-files in i.e. emacs, and define snd keybindings to re-run those as required?

any wisdom on listener working methodologies would be greatly appreciated; as it stands, this front-end to the scheme side of snd seems quite primitive.

thanks in advance!


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