[CM] snd openmotif problems

Achim Bornhoeft achim.bornhoeft at web.de
Sat Feb 17 12:19:10 PST 2007

I tried to install Snd 8.8 on my notebook running OS X 10.4.8.
After installing openmotif and gsl with Darwin Ports as described in 
README.snd the configure script refuses to find openmotif.

After looking around it seems that openmotif is maybe not installed 
properly. I couldnt find it anywhere. (Where should it normally be when 
installed with Darwin Ports?)
I tried to uninstall openmotif and repeated the install process but it 
didn't help:

dslb-084-056-200-154:~/snd-8 born$ sudo port uninstall openmotif
--->  Deactivating openmotif 2.3.0-20060106_0+darwin_8
--->  Uninstalling openmotif 2.3.0-20060106_0+darwin_8
dslb-084-056-200-154:~/snd-8 born$ sudo port install openmotif
--->  Unpacking tgz archive for openmotif 2.3.0-20060106_0+darwin_8
--->  Installing openmotif 2.3.0-20060106_0+darwin_8
--->  Activating openmotif 2.3.0-20060106_0+darwin_8
--->  Cleaning openmotif

After running the configure script again I got the same result:

Options selected
   Snd version .......... : 8.8
   CFLAGS ............... : -O2 -I. -g -O2
   LDFLAGS .............. : -ldl
   prefix.................: /usr/local
   extension language.....: None
   audio system...........: MacOSX
   graphics toolkit.......: None
   optional libraries.....: gsl gettext
   random features........:
   environs...............: powerpc-apple-darwin8.8.0 gcc

How could I solve the problem?
Thanks in advance for your help.

--   achim bornhoeft
--   neckarhalde 38
--   d-72070 tübingen
--   tel/fax +49 (0)7071 942745
--   mobil +49 (0)179 6936930

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