[CM] compilation problems

Achim Bornhoeft achim.bornhoeft at web.de
Fri Feb 9 06:13:30 PST 2007

I tried to compile an instrument from the clm Documentation under OS X
10.4.8 (PPC) with cm.app 2.10.0 and aquamcas 0.99d and got the following
error message because the shared library file (in this case
clm_granulate_sound.dylib) is not created.

Can somebody help me with this? It's probably something very obvious ...
Thank you very much in advance,


(in-package :clm)

(definstrument granulate-sound (file beg &optional dur (orig-beg 0.0)
(exp-amt 1.0))
   (let* ((f-srate (sound-srate file))
	 (f-start (round (* f-srate orig-beg)))
          (f (open-input file :start f-start))
	 (st (floor (* beg *srate*)))
	 (new-dur (or dur (- (sound-duration file) orig-beg)))
	 (exA (make-granulate :input f :expansion exp-amt))
	 (nd (+ st (floor (* *srate* new-dur)))))
      (loop for i from st below nd do
        (outa i (granulate exA))))
     (close-input f)))


CM> (compile-file "granulate-sound.ins")
; Writing "/Users/born/Documents/code/lisp/clm/ins/clm_granulate_sound.c"
;Compiler warnings for
"/Users/born/Documents/code/lisp/clm/ins/granulate-sound.ins" :
;   Unused lexical variable CM::SCORETIME, in (CM::WRITE-EVENT
CM> (load "granulate-sound.dfsl")
; Compiling "/Users/born/Documents/code/lisp/clm/ins/clm_granulate_sound.c"
Invoking restart: Kill this process
; Evaluation aborted


Error opening shared library
image not found
    [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

--   achim bornhoeft
--   neckarhalde 38
--   d-72070 tübingen
--   tel/fax +49 (0)7071 942745
--   mobil +49 (0)179 6936930

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