[CM] December Bay Area Computer Music Technology Meetup

Noah Thorp noah at listenlabs.com
Sat Dec 1 23:01:10 PST 2007

Bay Area Computer Music Technology Meetup
Laptop Orchestras, Livecoding Music in Quoth/Smalltalk, Lightning Talks
Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Accoustics (CCRMA)
December 6th 7:30PM
660 Lomita Dr., Stanford, CA 94305

Please RSVP at http://electronicmusic.meetup.com/152/

Many thanks to Ge Wang and Stanford for hosting our December Computer
Music Technology meetup! More info and images for the CCRMA location are
available here http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/knoll/

The event will begin at 7:30pm with a tour of CCRMA.

At 8pm there will be two planned presentations:
- Ge Wang (http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/) will be presenting on Laptop
Orchestras. Ge is a co-founding developer and co-director of the first
laptop orchestra at Princeton (PLOrk). He is currently starting the
Stanford Laptop Orchestra (SLOrk) and the Left Coast Laptop Orchestra
(naming in progress).
- Craig Latta will be presenting his Smalltalk based musical livecoding
project called "quoth" that uses executable natural language! See
- Lightning talk on building a feedback piano
- Tentative presentation on Common Lisp Music (CLM)
- Presenter Bios can be found here:

If you would like to do a lightning talk (5 minute presentation) come with
your laptop. Stanford CCRMA residents are encouraged to present as are
other participants (aka You!). Contact me in advance or just come prepared
and let me know when you see me that you would like to present.

Also, let me mention that there are three upcoming events in January:
- January 10th (Thursday): presentations including Andrew Benson from
Cycling 74 presenting on what's new in Max 5. The event will be in SF or
- January 13th (Sunday): Ge Wang will be teaching a workshop on ChucK
programming at Stanford
- January 24th (Thursday): Build Ruby Language Audio APIs Brainstorming
session will meet in SF (Venue TBD; learn more here
http://electronicmusic.meetup.com/152/calendar/6806947/ )

Please pass this info on to friends, colleagues, or students who may be
interested in attending. Feel free to contact me if you have any
suggestions, needs, or questions.

All The Best,
Noah Thorp
Bay Area Computer Music Technology Group Organizer
Contact: Email me at my first name at listenlabs.com

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