[CM] How to vary Vary?

First Last whatalltheshoutingsabout at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 16:27:47 PDT 2007

 My question concerns the function vary from the common music dictionary -

(process <../../../Lisp/cm/doc/dict/process-mac.html> for i below len

           for r = (vary rate (interpl
<../../../Lisp/cm/doc/dict/interpl-fn.html> (/ i len) env))

           for k = (between <../../../Lisp/cm/doc/dict/between-fn.html> lb ub k)

           output (new <../../../Lisp/cm/doc/dict/new-mac.html> midi
<../../../Lisp/cm/doc/dict/midi-cls.html> :time (now

                      :keynum k

                      :duration (* r 1.5))

           wait r))

(define varyenv '(0 0 .1 0 .5 .75 .9 0 1 0))

How would one modify the code to read in and write out (keynums) to a
midi file instead of generating them with between?
Would appreciate any advice in this regard. Thanks!
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