[CM] CM - event scheduling feature request[?]

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue Apr 24 13:30:30 PDT 2007

you are correct sublists are not supported now -- i cant remember why  
that is the case or if there is a good reason. given the current  
functionality,  if you change your outer to (APPEND ...) and then pad  
your times it should work

(events (append (test ...)
                 (test ...)
                 (test ...))
         '(0 0 1 1 2 2))


On Apr 24, 2007, at 3:07 PM, Bill Sack wrote:

> am i infact doing something wrong here, and if not, is it possible  
> in some future cm version to make scheduling of these kind of  
> processes possible?

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