[CM] Rearranging a sequence
Rick Taube
taube at uiuc.edu
Sat Apr 14 07:53:35 PDT 2007
> Thanks Rick! Using fold-objects in conjunction with cons would have
> taken me weeks to figure out so I appreciate your help.
Yes, this is exactly why I added SAL to common music: It converts a
process that takes weeks to understand into one that takes much less
time. Compare this SAL tutorial about editing objects (which is what
you are doing) to the lisp version in cm/etc/tutorials/editing.lisp):
in my opinion its a no-brainer which one is clearer and easier to
work with.
Ive just ported the SAL's Emacs mode to XEmacs so it now everything
seems to run fine on Windows and CLISP. (you need to update your cm
and sal trees from cvs)
this is what my Xemacs init.el file looks like on windows:
(add-to-list 'load-path "c:/Lisp/slime-2.0/")
(require 'slime)
(setq cm-program "c:/Lisp/cm/bin/cm.bat")
(load "c:/Lisp/sal/sal-mode.el")
Then start Xemacs and edit a .sal file (C-x C-f foo.sal)
then choose SAL>Start CM from the menu.
<f8> toggles between slime repl and a .sal (or .lisp) buffer
To execute a sal command on Windows i think you have to press the
Option key when you press key-pad enter, at least thats the case on
the pokey old dell laptop ive borrowed to do this work. also on
windows related stuff, i just discoverd TortoiseCVS which works
really well for updating cm code from cvs.
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