[CM] <kein Betreff>
daniel mayer
herbstmondwind at web.de
Tue Apr 3 14:13:58 PDT 2007
realtime output of MIDI and OSC is working for me, setup as in the recent example:
OSX, Midishare connected with Quicktime GM or whatever,
Running SuperCollider, local server booted
SC synthdefs from CM example file "sc-synths.sc" in cm/etc/examples loaded
Starting CM application 2.10.0
(in-package :cm)
(use-system :rts)
(use-system :osc)
(use-system :midishare)
(define *ms* (midishare-open))
(define *sc* (sc-open))
(defobject simple (scsynth)
((freq :initform 440)
(dur :initform 1)
(amp :initform .2)
(pan :initform 0))
(:parameters freq dur amp pan time))
(define (midi+sc-simple num dur lb-key ub-key lb-freq ub-freq midi-amp sc-amp)
(process repeat num
output (new midi :time (now)
:duration dur
:keynum (between lb-key ub-key)
:amplitude midi-amp) to *ms*
output (new simple :time (now)
:dur dur
:freq (between lb-freq ub-freq)
:amp sc-amp
:pan (pick 0 1 -1)) to *sc*
wait dur))
Then with
(rts nil)
this runs:
(sprout (midi+sc-simple 80 0.2 30 50 500 1500 0.5 0.1))
However, when performing a lot of additional calculation the output loses precision.
As i'm not receiving MIDI or OSC: is there a chance to
schedule such under faster events mode, still having simultaneous audio output
from MIDI device and SC?
More then default latency would still be sufficient here, if this is an option that would help.
Thanks for a hint,
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