[CM] lisp loop iteration in cm
Rick Taube
Sat, 16 Sep 2006 17:42:10 -0500
this version adds the rhythmic element a la http://henon.sapp.org/
also see the Chaos chapter in Notes from the Metalevel, I think that
version uses the y value for rhythmic values...
(defun henonseq (cycles rhy dur amp &key
(a -1.85039) ;; a=-1.56693 b= -0.011811
(b 0.003937)
(x 0.63135448)
(y 0.18940634)
(low 0) (high 127))
(process with key and newx = 0.00 and newy = 0.00
repeat cycles
do (progn
(setf newx (+ (* a (expt x 2)) (* b y) 1))
(setf newy x)
(setf x newx)
(setf y newy)
(setf key (midinormz x)))
when (<= low key high)
output (new midi :time (now)
:duration dur
:amplitude amp
:keynum key)
wait rhy))
(events (henonseq 500 0.125 0.1 0.7 :a -1.56693 :b -0.011811 :x 0 :y 0
:low 30 :high 100) "henonseq.mid")