[CM] 'drunk' behavior

Drew Krause drkrause@mindspring.com
Fri, 01 Sep 2006 17:21:51 -0400

I've noticed that CM's 'drunk' function has a strong tendency to descend 
(see test below). Is it working properly, or should a random seed be 
re-set or something? Thanks!

The following function returns a list of length 'len' starting drunk 
from 'startpit':

(defun drunkvec (startpit len &optional (stepsize 1))
  (loop repeat len
    for r = startpit then (drunk r stepsize)
    collect r))

All 30 runs of length 20 descended from 50 to the following final numbers:

(loop repeat 30 append (last (drunkvec 50 20)))
=>(44 42 44 39 42 40 38 43 41 41 39 40 44 39 40 42 42 40 39 39 41 41 39 
42 38
    46 45 38 45 40)

Drew Krause