[CM] Re: Issues in running Snd-RT

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen@notam02.no
Mon, 23 Oct 2006 00:15:59 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 23 Oct 2006, Kjetil S. Matheussen wrote:

> You are missing ladspa.h:
> wget http://www.ladspa.org/ladspa_sdk/ladspa.h.txt
> cp ladspa.h.txt /usr/include/ladspa.h
> After that start snd and do the following:
> (set! %load-path (cons "/home/dto/src/snd-ls-" %load-path))
> (define (gtk-events-pending) 0)
> (define srfi-loaded)
> (load-from-path "rt-compiler.scm")

Oops, and by "start snd" I mean the following command: