[CM] clisp cm ubuntu edgy

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sun Nov 19 07:07:41 PST 2006

i just downloaded the latest clisp (2.41) compiled and installed it  
and built cm witout problems doing
	bin/cm.sh -l clisp

can you start clisp by itself on your ubuntu?

	$ clisp

if so, can you start cm by calling clisp directly and passing correct  
"/path/to/cm/src/cm.lisp" to it?

	$ clisp -I -q -ansi  -x '(progn (load "/path/to/cm/src/ 
cm.lisp" :verbose nil) (cm))' -repl

if that work, then somehting in your ubuntu shell doesnt work correctly.
if thats the case i have no chance of fixing it, but ou could simply  
call clisp directly as shown above

On Nov 18, 2006, at 11:56 AM, victor wrote:

> I've intalled clisp 2.39-1 on ubuntu edgy -2.39 because it is the  
> last version in ubuntu's repositoires.
> After dowload cm, I have this trouble:
>  ./bin/cm.sh
> ./bin/cm.sh: 334: [[: not found
> ./bin/cm.sh: 366: [[: not found
> ./bin/cm.sh: 366: Linux: not found
> ./bin/cm.sh: 381: [[: not found
> [Fatal  ]  /usr/bin/clisp: version '2.39' unsupported.
> [Notice ]  Need clisp with -repl option (version 2.31 or higher).
> Aborting.
> [: 603: ==: unexpected operator
> [Error  ]  Don't know how to call '' yet... =:(
> Fatal.
> and Same problem with actual last version of clisp.
> Thanks

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