[CM] rts and supercollider

Johannes Quint johannes.quint at web.de
Fri Jun 2 13:35:46 PDT 2006

Am 02.06.2006 um 01:23 schrieb todd ingalls:

> Johannes,
> I just checked in changes to fix the problems and now things should  
> be working correctly for sending osc messages. you may need to wait  
> a little while for the changes to hit the anonymous cvs server. i  
> am still working getting receiving finished.

(use-system :osc) works now.
but when i go on with 'etc/examples/rt-sc.cm'
and i am at the point (sprout (sc-simple-1 10)),
the lisp into my emacs crashes:
'Lisp connection closed unexpectedly: connection broken by remote peer'



Johannes Quint
D-53225 Bonn
0228 468256
johannes.quint at web.de

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