AW: [CM] Newbie question: Common Music doesn't start under xemacs

Robert Matovinovic robert.matovinovic at
Wed Jul 19 16:47:49 PDT 2006

Your code didn't help. The error message was still the same. It took me some
hours, but now its working, and the changes are minor. I avoided
easy-menu-create-menu. My guess is that the error is caused by a bug in
easymenu.el of xemacs, because easy-menu-create-menu is just not there. Here
are the lines:

;; "Common Music" as first list item added, otherwise error under
;; xemacs 21.4.19, when used by next easy-menu-add-item call
;; Robert Matovinovic, 20.07.2006, robert.matovinovic at
(defvar *common-music-doc-menu*
  `("Common Music"
    [ "Home Page" (cm-doc "cm.html") t]
    [ "Installing" (cm-doc "install.html") t]
    [ "Working in Emacs" (cm-doc "emacs.html") t]
    [ "Tutorials" (cm-doc "../etc/tutorials/") t]
    [ "Examples"  (cm-doc "../etc/examples/") t]
    [ "Dictionary" (cm-doc "dict/index.html") t]
    [ "Lookup..." cm-lookup t]

;; last argument changed to make it workable under xemacs 21.4.19
;; see also definition of *common-music-doc-menu* above
;; Robert Matovinovic, 20.07.2006, robert.matovinovic at
(easy-menu-add-item menubar-slime
;; following lines don't work under xemacs 21.4.19,
;;		    (easy-menu-create-menu "Common Music"
;;					   *common-music-doc-menu*))

I attach my changed cm.el


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: taube at [mailto:taube at] 
Gesendet: Monday, July 17, 2006 23:43
An: Robert Matovinovic
Cc: cmdist at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Betreff: Re: [CM] Newbie question: Common Music doesn't start under xemacs

cripes. try adding this to cm.el before the line that calls 
easy-menu-add-item. let me know if it works. if not, you will have to 
find out how to add a menu to an existing menu in xemacs and send it to 

(if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
	(defun easy-menu-add-item (menu path item &optional before)
	  (add-menu-button path item before menu))))
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