[CM] Snd 7.18

Kjetil S. Matheussen kjetil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Jan 15 13:24:55 PST 2006

"Bill Schottstaedt":
> Snd 7.18
> snd_pd_external.c, help-snd-fm.pd, and pd-fm.scm and other changes for Pd, thanks to Kjetil.

Unfortunately, snd 7.18 was released right before I got fixed one gruesome 
bug, and two horrible bugs. So if anyone wants to try snd as a pd 
external, please use the "daily Snd sources" download instead of snd 7.18.

Please also let me know if you have problems with guile 1.7.2 or other 
problems related to get everything running. They should be solvable...


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