[CM] acl or clisp under winxp

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Jan 4 10:46:52 PST 2006

Cm should build in acl on windows. Unless you are using CLM Im not  
sure there is a real advantage to acl over clisp.
FYI, as of a week ago, when you build cm on windows in allegro or  
clisp cm will generate a CM.BAT file in the bin directory (if the bat  
file does not already exist). The bat file should hopefully start up  
CM in the lisp you used with absolute pathnames to the executables .  
The idea is that you can then use the bat file on your desktop or  
invoke it from emacs.  its untested , let me know if it works or not...

On Jan 3, 2006, at 3:16 PM, M. Perticone wrote:

> hello listers,
> is anyone running cm under acl 7.0/winxp ? any advice or trick i  
> should know
> beforehand?
> is it a better choice or should i stick to clisp?
> thanks for any info,
> marcelo
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