[CM] real-time common music

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 9 17:31:42 PDT 2006

im not excactly sure what you are after, but here are some pieces

1. depending on what lisp you use, the rts package will let you 
schedule cm processes to run in real time. it works very well on 
osx/openmcl and it should work in sbcl/linux as well, but i havent 
tested it extensively there at all.

2. cm's osc systemm will let you send/receive osc packets in real time. 
Actually im not sure if todd ever finished the port of osc to C, 
perhaps he can comment.

3. what will actually make the sound? you could certainly send osc or 
midi to an exterrnal app to make the sound; if you want to make the 
sound in lisp, todd might have something to say about that too.

On Aug 9, 2006, at 6:49 PM, Rodrigo Segnini wrote:

> Hi list.
> Before embarking in installation and improvisation, I would like to 
> know if anyone has programmed in Common Music something like a 
> 'realtime sound generator'. My requirements are simple: varying 
> dynamically the parameters of a sound making algorithm given incoming 
> discrete and continuous osc control messages.
> I plan to do this in Linux using soundfont synths.
> Are there any examples? Is that possible at all?
> Thanks,
> Rodrigo
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