[CM] Configure options for Snd on osx-10.4

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Oct 20 09:23:29 PDT 2005

 I was able to build Snd with Motif and Gtk on OS-X-10.4 
(fink) with the following configure options:


  $ ./configure CFLAGS=-I/sw/include LDFLAGS=-L/sw/lib 
--disable-nls --with-guile --with-motif --with-static-xm 

GTK Version

  $ ./configure CFLAGS=-I/sw/include LDFLAGS=-L/sw/lib 
GUILE_CONFIG_path=/sw/bin --disable-nls --with-guile --with-gtk 
--with-static-xm --with-builtin-gtkrc

Perhaps the only caveat (AFAIK) is the fftw compilation which takes a
really long time.

The web page at Users at PlanetCCRMA has been updated with this

  --* Juan Reyes

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