[CM] Visual Music in NYC Call for Submission

Carl Edwards carl.boingie at verizon.net
Tue Nov 29 12:16:41 PST 2005

Please forgive the cross-posting:

Call for Submissions
(Please forward this email)

The New York Digital Salon is seeking submissions for the Abstract Visual
Music project. Current plans include an online image and webcast exhibition,
along with public screenings, lectures, and other events. Images depicting
abstract visual music are being sought, along with time-based work, i.e.
Quicktime movies, Flash animations, DVDs, videotapes, etc. All work must be
in digital format. Essays and artist statements on the creation, theory, and
history of abstract visual music will also be considered for the website, as
well as possible publication in our catalog. Visual music artworks and
installations will also be considered. Software and hardware that allows for
the creation of abstract visual music is also being considered and
programmers are invited to submit their work. There is no entry fee.

The preliminary deadline is February 1, 2006. Please email submissions to
avm at nydigitalsalon.org, or mail them to

Diane Field, Assistant Director,
New York Digital Salon, c/o MFA Computer Art Department,
209 E. 23 St., New York, NY 10010, USA.

All submissions must use the NYDS Submissions Form (.PDF), which includes
the artist's name, address, phone number, email, title, year completed,
medium, and other relevant details about the artwork. Click here to view.
Mailed submissions with a self-addressed stamped envelope will be returned.
For further information, please contact Diane Field, Assistant Director,
 New York Digital Salon dianefield at nydigitalsalon.org or call 212-592-2532.

Our Call for Submissions is in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). In
order to view, print, and fill out our forms, you will need to use the
latest version of Acrobat Reader (version 5 or later). Acrobat Reader can be
downloaded free from the Adobe Website.


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