[CM] CVS CM errors with CLM

Dave Phillips dlphillips at woh.rr.com
Tue Nov 29 10:32:09 PST 2005

Hi Rick:

  I realize things are unstable, so this info may not be very relevant:

;;;; Loading #P"/home/dlphilp/cm-systems/clm/clm1.x86f".

Error in function USE-PACKAGE:
   Use'ing package CLM results in name conflicts for these symbols:
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

  0: [CONTINUE] Unintern the conflicting symbols in the CM package.
  1:            Return NIL from load of 
  2: [RETRY   ] Retry performing #<ASDF:LOAD-SOURCE-OP NIL {591075D5}> on
                #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "all" {5918B825}>.
  3: [ACCEPT  ] Continue, treating #<ASDF:LOAD-SOURCE-OP NIL {591075D5}> on
                #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "all" {5918B825}> as
                having been successful.
  4:            Return NIL from load of #P"home:.cminit.lisp".
  5:            Retry performing
                #<COMMON-LISP-USER::FINALIZE-OP NIL {586E2845}> on
                #<COMMON-LISP-USER::CM-APPLICATION "cm" {5805EE55}>.
  6:            Continue, treating
                #<COMMON-LISP-USER::FINALIZE-OP NIL {586E2845}> on
                #<COMMON-LISP-USER::CM-APPLICATION "cm" {5805EE55}> as
                having been successful.
  7:            Return NIL from load of 
  8: [ABORT   ] Skip remaining initializations.

Debug  (type H for help)

(USE-PACKAGE :CLM #<The CM package, 3502/6314 internal, 197/201 external>)
Source: Error finding source:
Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM:  Source file no longer 

This is with CLM-3 built here a week ago.



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