[CM] CM random seed

Joshua Parmenter joshp at u.washington.edu
Fri May 20 17:06:58 PDT 2005

Hi everyone,

I seem to be having a problem seeding randomness in CM 2.6.0 with  
openmcl 0.14.3 on OS X. This used to work in CM 2.4, but there seems  
to be a problem now setting the seed:

? (defvar *cm-state*)
? (defun makeseed () (setf c (make-random-state t)) (pprint c))
;Compiler warnings :
;   Undeclared free variable C (2 references), in MAKESEED.
? (makeseed)
#.(RANDOM-STATE 64655 21585)
? (setf myseed #.(RANDOM-STATE 64655 21585))
 > Error in process listener(4): Undefined function RANDOM-STATE  
called with arguments (41962 21226) .
 > While executing: "Unknown"
 > Type :GO to continue, :POP to abort.
 > If continued: Retry applying RANDOM-STATE to (41962 21226).
Type :? for other options.
1 > (setf *cm-state* (make-random-state myseed))
 > Error in process listener(4): Unbound variable: MYSEED
 > Type :GO to continue, :POP to abort.
 > If continued: Retry getting the value of MYSEED.
Type :? for other options.
2 >

Thanks for any thoughts.


Joshua D. Parmenter

"...Some people think a composer's supposed to please them, but in a  
way a composer is a chronicler... He's supposed to report on what  
he's seen and lived."
      -Charles Mingus

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