[CM] cm/supercollider working

andersvi at extern.uio.no andersvi at extern.uio.no
Fri May 6 03:02:54 PDT 2005

Heres a set-env-var for cmucl to put in src/cmu.lisp:

(defun set-env-var (name value)
  (let ((cell (assoc (string name) ext:*environment-list* :test #'equalp
                     :key #'string)))
    (if cell
        (setf (cdr cell) (string value))
      (push (cons (intern (string name) "KEYWORD") (string value))

Ive no idea what to do in sbcl though.

(Actually i tried "commit"-ing this change to cmu.lisp to CVS
without luck.  "CVS knows nothing about cmu.lisp" - or similar :-/


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