[CM] povray and lisp

Don Craig rhomboid at u.washington.edu
Fri Mar 4 11:14:29 PST 2005

Hi, all-

I gather that there has been chat about extensions for video work. 
Attached is some code for doing "scores" for POVRay. Strictly speaking, 
this is not CM; it will work in any common lisp (I'm pretty sure). But 
you can certainly use it in a CM/CLM enviroment. I'm confidant there 
are no name/package conflicts.

If somebody wants to rework the code to build it into CM, fell free!

As part of the attachment there is a stupid povray example that shows 
the necessary steps that have to be done in povray for this to work. if 
somebody comes up with a better way, I'd love to see it.

any questions, just email me,

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