[CM] clm midi realtime

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sat Jul 23 15:31:01 PDT 2005

actually...we (Todd Ingalls and I) are currently working out two 
real-time extensions to cm. although its still too soon to promise 
anything Im pretty confident that at least "interactive" 
receiving/controlling will work in several environments in one form or 
another; this input could be "routed" to whatever you wanted: portmidi, 
supercollider, clm, gui etc.  a usable real-time scheduler that works 
in conjunction with receive -- so you can trigger processes and future 
events that render in real-time -- is a harder nut to crack but also 
seems possible, at least on osx/openmcl, and hopefully on linux too now 
that sbcl has native threads in alpha release. i hope we can have 
something more definitively positive to say about this in the coming 

On Jul 23, 2005, at 3:38 PM, Ken wrote:

> Is anyone working on adding midi control to clm?  Or, is it possible 
> to open a connection from cm to clm to pipe midi through cm into clm?
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