[CM] cm 2.5

Josh Parmenter joshp at u.washington.edu
Tue Jan 11 15:28:57 PST 2005

Thanks Rick,


Joshua D. Parmenter
Graduate Student, Music Composition

"...Some people think a composer's supposed to please them, but in a way a composer is a 
chronicler... He's supposed to report on what he's seen and lived."
                                                         					-Charles Mingus

Rick Taube wrote:
>>> Any ideas?  Or is there another location where I can download the 
>>> sources?
>> Looks like sourforge cvs has (again) problems.
>> I'm not shure there is a mirror for cm.
> The developer cvs connecton to sf.net is working. If the anonymous sever 
> is not up by tomorrow please let me know and Ill put a tarball on 
> pinhead. Actually maybe I should do this automatically each day -- if 
> anyone has experience setting something like this up  please tell me 
> where i can learn about it
> --rick

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