[CM] BoundingBox mystery in CMN output
Anders Vinjar
andersvi at extern.uio.no
Sun Feb 27 02:29:14 PST 2005
This is a bug in cmn/cmn3.lisp. To save code the
crescendo/diminuendo marks are "optimized" so that the diminuendo
mark is infact a sort of mirrored crescendo giving negative
values for the objects house or something. Im sure Bill can
explain whats actually happening here :)
Heres a fix to #'display-crescendo in cmn3 which hopefully fixes
the problem.
(defun display-crescendo (mark note score &optional justifying)
(when (not justifying)
(let* ((dsize *dynamics-size*)
(dynamics-size (* (if (crescendo-begin-dynamic mark)
(let ((w (width (crescendo-begin-dynamic mark))))
(if (zerop w) (* 0.35 (length (dynamics-mark (crescendo-begin-dynamic mark)))) w))
;(width (crescendo-begin-dynamic mark)) AV 28-Jun-00
(x0-mark (+ (vis-dx mark)
(if (or (> (box-x0 mark) (box-x0 note))
(/= (onset-offset mark) 0.0))
(box-x0 mark)
(+ (box-x0 note) .125))
(* .5 dynamics-size)
(if (crescendo-user-data mark) (first (crescendo-user-data mark)) 0)))
(x1-mark (+ (max (- (box-x1 mark) .125) (+ x0-mark .5))
(if (crescendo-user-data mark) (third (crescendo-user-data mark)) 0)))
(cresc (eq (tag-type mark) :crescendo))
;;(x0 (if cresc x0-mark x1-mark))
(x0 x0-mark)
;; (ct (if (> (- x1-mark x0-mark) 1.0) (or (thickness mark) .25) .05))
(ct (* (or (thickness mark) .25) (- x1-mark x0-mark))) ;AV 28-Jun-00
(x0-off (+ x0 (if cresc ct (- ct))))
;;(x1 (if cresc x1-mark x0-mark))
(x1 x1-mark)
(width (or (width mark) .25))
(half-width (* .5 width))
(y0 (+ (staff-y0 note)
(vis-dy mark)
(box-y0 mark)
(if (member (visible-justification mark) '(:up :above))
(+ (max (* (max 10 (+ (maximum-line note)
(if (member (stem-direction note) '(:up)) 8 4)))
(+ (y1 note) 0.2))
(* 0.5 width))
(+ (min 0
(* (- (minimum-line note)
(if (member (stem-direction note) '(:down)) 6 2))
(if (tag-note mark) (* (- (minimum-line (tag-note mark)) 2) *staff-line-separation*) 0))
(y1 (+ y0 half-width))
(y2 (- y0 half-width)))
(when (crescendo-user-data mark)
(incf y0 (if cresc (second (crescendo-user-data mark)) (fourth (crescendo-user-data mark))))
(incf y1 (if (not cresc) (second (crescendo-user-data mark)) (fourth (crescendo-user-data mark))))
(incf y2 (if (not cresc) (second (crescendo-user-data mark)) (fourth (crescendo-user-data mark)))))
(when (crescendo-begin-dynamic mark)
;; the "x0" above is the wedge point -- can be either left or rightmost x
(show score (crescendo-begin-dynamic mark)
:matrix (scale-matrix (translate-matrix score mark ;AV 28-Jun-00
(+ (dx (crescendo-begin-dynamic mark)) (- x0-mark dynamics-size .2))
(+ (dy (crescendo-begin-dynamic mark)) (- y0 .125)))
dsize dsize)
:data (dynamics-mark (crescendo-begin-dynamic mark))))
(when (crescendo-end-dynamic mark)
(show score (crescendo-end-dynamic mark)
:matrix (scale-matrix (translate-matrix score mark ;AV 28-Jun-00
(+ (dx (crescendo-end-dynamic mark)) (- x1-mark .125))
(+ (dy (crescendo-end-dynamic mark)) (- y0 .125)))
dsize dsize)
:data (dynamics-mark (crescendo-end-dynamic mark)))
(if cresc (decf x1 .3) (decf x0 .3))
(if (not cresc) (decf x0-off .3)))
(matrix-front score (if cresc
(translate-matrix score mark x0 y0)
(translate-matrix score mark x1 y0))))
(with-color score mark
(moveto score 0 0)
(lineto score (- x1 x0) (- y1 y0))
(lineto score (- x0-off x0) 0)
(lineto score (- x1 x0) (- y2 y0))
(lineto score 0 0)
(fill-in score))
(matrix-back score))))
>>>>> "K" == Kyle Markley <kmarkley at seffera.net> writes:
K> In the score I've been working on, I've noticed there's always a bunch
K> of extra whitespace at the left margin despite my margin settings.
K> I've been able to minimize the issue to the following example. If
K> you view this in gv and use the BBox "paper size", you'll see a left
K> margin much bigger than it ought to be.
K> If you remove the diminuendo, the output file's bounding box changes
K> from "%%BoundingBox: -78 -26 133 102" to "%%BoundingBox: 0 -26 133
K> 102" and the box much better fits the left margin specified.
K> (cmn
K> (header-margin 0.1)
K> (left-margin 0.1)
K> (right-margin 0.1)
K> (footer-margin 0.1)
K> (system (staff
K> c5 q
K> begin-diminuendo
K> d5 q
K> e5 q
K> g5 q
K> a5 q
K> end-diminuendo
K> )))
K> I believe this issue or something related to it is causing an extra
K> inch or so of whitespace on the left side of my full score. I could
K> probably fit another measure on each line if there wasn't so much
K> unwanted whitespace.
K> --
K> Kyle Markley
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