[CM] Re: compile problem with up-to-date CVS CM

Dave Phillips dlphillips at woh.rr.com
Thu Dec 8 13:14:24 PST 2005

Rick, here's a little more info about the cm-gtk problem:

  If I break the loop of messages with Ctrl-C I receive a long numbered 
list of messages, all of which seem to be in this form:

665:            Retry performing
                 #<COMMON-LISP-USER::FINALIZE-OP NIL {5A17AF15}> on
                 #<COMMON-LISP-USER::CM-APPLICATION "cm" {589D43CD}>.
 666:            Continue, treating
                 #<COMMON-LISP-USER::FINALIZE-OP NIL {5A17AF15}> on
                 #<COMMON-LISP-USER::CM-APPLICATION "cm" {589D43CD}> as
                 having been successful.
 667:            Return NIL from load of #P"home:.cminit.lisp".
 668:            Retry performing
                 #<COMMON-LISP-USER::FINALIZE-OP NIL {586E2F2D}> on
                 #<COMMON-LISP-USER::CM-APPLICATION "cm" {589D43CD}>.
 669:            Continue, treating
                 #<COMMON-LISP-USER::FINALIZE-OP NIL {586E2F2D}> on
                 #<COMMON-LISP-USER::CM-APPLICATION "cm" {589D43CD}> as
                 having been successful.
 670:            Return NIL from load of 
 671: [ABORT   ] Skip remaining initializations.

Debug  (type H for help)

(UNIX::SIGINT-HANDLER #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #.(SYSTEM:INT-SAP 
Source: Error finding source:
Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM:  Source file no longer 



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