[CM] cm and supercollider

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sun Dec 4 06:59:32 PST 2005

Have you actually defined the synths that the examples use inside 
Supercollider? If not, then you need to start Supercollider ,then Open 
the file "etc/sc-synths.sc" then double-click on each synthdef paren 
and press the Enter key. sc will echod "a synthdef" (or whatever) in 
its console window. perhaps there is an easier way to define these 
synthdefs (im just a supercollider beginner...)

On Dec 4, 2005, at 8:40 AM, Johannes Quint wrote:

> Am 04.12.2005 um 14:51 schrieb Rick Taube:
>> if everyting is as it should be and you still cant hear anything, do
>> 	(trace shell)
>> and then genereate the example again and send the trace
> Calling (SHELL "\"/Applications/SuperCollider_f/scsynth\" -N 
> \"sc-simple-1.osc\" _ \"test.aiff\" 44100 AIFF int16 -o 2" :WAIT T 
>  SHELL returned #<EXTERNAL-PROCESS (/bin/csh -fc 
> "/Applications/SuperCollider_f/scsynth" -N "sc-simple-1.osc" _ 
> "test.aiff" 44100 AIFF int16 -o 2)[1045] (EXITED : 1) #x663FB86>
>  Calling (SHELL "open test.aiff" :WAIT NIL :OUTPUT NIL)
>  SHELL returned #<EXTERNAL-PROCESS (/bin/csh -fc open test.aiff)[1047] 
> (RUNNING) #x663EDBE>
> "sc-simple-1.osc"
> j
> _______________________________________________
> Johannes Quint
> Rilkestr.55
> D-53225 Bonn
> 0228 468256
> johannes.quint at web.de
> http://private.addcom.de/j.quint/index.htm

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