[CM] Re: clm build problem on darwin
Rick Taube
taube at uiuc.edu
Tue Aug 23 05:58:35 PDT 2005
> I tested it on a Mac as well as various Linux systems. Actually, I'm
> not sure why sndplay didn't work for you, but this is a first step.
you are right it is something else. i removed all fasls, reinstalled
the clm-3 tree , it builds fine, libclm and sndplay are made, fm-violin
writes a valid file, sndplay is called but doesnt make any sound
(qtplay will play the file.):
? (dac "test.aiff")
Calling (RUN-PROGRAM "/Lisp/bin/clm-3/sndplay" ("test.aiff") :OUTPUT T
RUN-PROGRAM returned #<EXTERNAL-PROCESS (/Lisp/bin/clm-3/sndplay
test.aiff)[7836] (RUNNING) #x6564B56>
here is a trace of the c stuff but it looks fine:
? (load "/Lisp/adm/clm")
; running cd /Lisp/clm-3/ && ./configure --quiet --with-doubles
; Compiling "/Lisp/clm-3/io.c"
; Compiling "/Lisp/clm-3/headers.c"
; Compiling "/Lisp/clm-3/audio.c"
; Compiling "/Lisp/clm-3/sound.c"
; Compiling "/Lisp/clm-3/clm.c"
; Compiling "/Lisp/clm-3/sc.c"
; Compiling "/Lisp/clm-3/cmus.c"
; Creating "/Lisp/bin/clm-3/libclm.dylib"
;;cc -dynamiclib -o /Lisp/bin/clm-3/libclm.dylib
/Lisp/bin/clm-3/headers.o /Lisp/bin/clm-3/audio.o /Lisp/bin/clm-3/io.o
/Lisp/bin/clm-3/sound.o /Lisp/bin/clm-3/clm.o /Lisp/bin/clm-3/cmus.o
/Lisp/bin/clm-3/sc.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lm -lc -framework
Building sndplay program: "/Lisp/bin/clm-3/sndplay"
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