[CM] cm 2.6.0 with MCL 4.3.1

Anthony Kozar anthonykozar at sbcglobal.net
Sat Apr 9 10:49:32 PDT 2005


Congratulations to Rick on the release of the much anticipated CM 2.6.0 !!


I decided to see if things still worked in MCL 4.3.1/MacOS 9.1 since it was
no longer listed as a "tested platform."  I am happy to report that cm.lisp
appeared to load fine (lots of warnings, but nothing fatal).

I guess that it no longer automatically saves an application image, so I
made one myself.  (BTW, the "Save App..." dialog lists "CM" under
"Application Class" which is nice, and it suggests the application creator
code of 'cm-2'.  The last version of CM that I tried was 2.3.4, and I just
thought that I would point out that it automatically saved itself with a
creator of 'CM-2' **, a nice set of icons, and a BNDL resource.  Is this
functionality gone now?).

After relaunching my CM image, I loaded test.cm and ran (test-cm).  And I
received the following message after a bunch of successful tests:

Testing save-object.
  1. Checking saved file exists ... OK
> Error: Unbound variable: |<seq>|
> While executing: ccl::cheap-eval-in-environment
> Type Command-/ to continue, Command-. to abort.
> If continued: Retry getting the value of |<seq>|.

Is this a problem or can it be ignored?  Thanks.

Anthony Kozar
anthonykozar at sbcglobal.net

** BTW, I checked with Apple recently and noticed the creator 'CM-2' has not
been registered.  'cm-2' does not contain any uppercase letters and so is
"reserved by Apple."  (Not that it is likely to matter in the post-OS 9
world :)

On 3/23/05 5:15 PM, Rick Taube <taube at uiuc.edu> etched in stone:

> Common Music 2.6.0 is now available for download from Sourceforge:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/commonmusic/

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