[CM] Re: snd jack playback mode bug

Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Sun Oct 31 09:16:15 PST 2004

Tim Orford:
> hi
> i am new to Snd and am just finding out how powerful it is!
> however i think there is a bug with the Jack support.
> If you are running jack in Playback mode, snd 7.8 will
> imediately segfault in mus_audio_read_buffers().
> i assume that this is easily repeatable. I can provide
> any additional information if needed.

Yes, please provide some code that use mus_audio_read_buffers.
I wrote the jack-code, but have never used mus_audio_read_buffers.


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