[CM] rewrite output in CM

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Oct 27 06:05:54 PDT 2004

sorry for the slow response but Im very busy this week. I think I need 
to allow the period to be specified as T, but of course that means that 
periods may quickly become huge after some number of generations.  I 
also have another rewrite bug in pattern matching to fix. ill try to 
get to them this week when I check some new code into cvs.

On Oct 26, 2004, at 9:24 PM, Drew Krause wrote:

> I just answered my own question, in a somewhat convoluted way... here 
> it is, for anyone interested:
> ;; MTRULES -- morse-thue rules
> (define mtrules '((0 -> (0 1))
>                 (1 -> (1 0))))
> ;; RW-NEXT -- returns next complete generation of rewrite
> ;; rwthing = rules; alist = input string
> ;; example: (rw-next mtrules '(1 0)) = (1 0 0 1)
> (defun rw-next (rwthing alist)
> (let* ((this-rw (new rewrite of (append rwthing '((rw-end -> rw-end)))
>                      :initially (append alist (list 'rw-end))))
>        (sink (next this-rw (+ (length alist) 1))))
>   (loop for x = (next this-rw) until (eql x 'rw-end) collect x)))
> ;; RWGEN -- returns arbitrary generation of rewrite
> ;; (rwgen mtrules '(1 0) 2) =  (1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0)
> (defun rwgen (rwrules initgen gennbr)
> (case gennbr
>   (0 initgen)
>   (1 (rw-next rwrules initgen))
>   (t (rw-next rwrules (rwgen rwrules initgen (- gennbr 1))))))
> Drew
> Drew Krause wrote:
>> I need help with output options for the "rewrite" pattern. As an 
>> example, suppose I create a morse-thue sequence:
>> (define mt (new rewrite of '((0 -> (0 1))
>>                             (1 -> (1 0)))
>>                :initially '(1 0)))
>> How can I get a new complete L-to-R generation on each call, a la:
>> (1 0) ; {we can skip this step if we have to}
>> (1 0 0 1)
>> (1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0)
>> &c.
>> All help much appreciated!
>> Drew
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