[CM] Building snd from source

Meino Christian Cramer Meino.Cramer at gmx.de
Fri May 21 17:04:08 PDT 2004

From: Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen <k.s.matheussen at notam02.no>
Subject: Re: [CM] Building snd from source
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 20:51:28 +0200 (CEST)

Hi Kjetil,

 some additional comments about the "getting louder and louder"-bug,
 which may have to do with it.

 I recorded a "snip" with my fingers with snd.

 I cut off the silence in front of the file.

 I pressed GO, which changed its face to "STOP"

 The "I am currently here"-bar moves from the start till the end (the
 whole file was visible. You do not need the slider to get to its

 But: As the bar reaches the end and the sound has defintely ended,
 the button does *not* change to "GO" again at once. 

 After two seconds of "doing nothing" the button changes its face.


 One can force the "increasing volume" bug by enabling looping and
 hitting GO while the first loop is still running.

 There is some misunderstanding between the "loop" """button""" at the
 very right side just below the sound graphs and the LOOP button which
 comes with dlp.

 If the right loop button is pressed, and you start looping with the
 LOOP button of dlp, you cannot get out of the mode of looped playing
 anymore without restarting snd, regardless what is pressed, depressed
 or so...

 Sometimes snd loops so heavy, that only a reboot (reset button of the
 PC must be used or the SYSREQ-key-sequence of Linux) revives the PC,
 since all CPU power is eaten up and no keyboard input is recognized
 by X11 anymore...

 In this case, snd (or someone else) prints "Too many open files" into
 its debug dialog.

 Hope it helps a little to catch the bug.

 Kind regards and keep snd'ing!

 PS: Is "no" of your email address for "norway", Kjetil ?

> Meino Christian Cramer:
> > 
> >  I tried to build snd from source, which I freshly downloaded.
> > 
> >  I entered different problems.
> > 
> >  My question is:
> >   Is it recommended (for a building-snd-from-source-newbie) to build
> >   it with the motif or the gtk interface? ;)
> I use gtk, but only because it looks better and feels much faster. There 
> are less audio-dropouts using motif.
> >   Do both interfaces provide the same functionality?
> > 
> Very much, seems to be.
> >   My resulting snd does soemtimes enter an endless loop when first
> >   pressing "play in loop" and then "stop" -- I was bombed with "Too
> >   many files open" messages and had to reboot, since the computer
> >   was so busy in looping that it does not to respond to key input 
> >   anymore.
> >   
> Hmm, hopefully related to the next one:
> >   Another thing while playing in loop:
> >   Sometimes the volume steadily increases with every loop until it was
> >   totally distorted.
> > 
> I have to confess I have known about this for a long time without 
> reporting it (so much things to do).
> To Bill:
> My guess is that when the player reach the end of the selection,
> the stop-playing-hook is called before actually stopping
> the playing. What happens is that the stop-playing-hook
> code (the function "c-play-selection2" in snd_conffile.scm)
> starts playing another time before the other one was
> stopped. And then I have a feeling that for some reason
> "c-play-selection2" is called yet another time when the
> first playing really stops, which it shouldn't. If that
> makes sense... At least I certainly think theres something 
> different with the stop-playing-hook handling thats causing
> this.
> -- 
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