[CM] about output to cmn file

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue May 11 06:31:54 PDT 2004

cmn output has been on my todo list.... maybe i need to resurrect the 
old 'cmn' object.  Ill have some time in the next few days to make sure 
this is working and will post when I have something to show.

On May 11, 2004, at 5:14 AM, Ville Isomottonen wrote:

> I'm outputing my musical events to cmn-file to display as eps.
> I learned the way to initialize staffs.
> (define staffs '((0 :name ...)))
> and then output events with staff id (new midi ... :channel 0)
> But, I'd like to output (display) meterchange into certain staff
> into cmn-file (every time i call my process-function to output events 
> of
> next phrase)
> Is there something for this task ?? (set-meter ...)??
> I'm using cmucl-cm-clm-cmn combination.
> Thanks, Ville Isomöttönen
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