[CM] Stereo and time stretch HQ

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu May 6 05:39:19 PDT 2004

just pass the keyword arguments to withsound to the 'events' function:

(events (whatever) "test.aiff" :srate 44100 :channels 2 ...)

alternately you can use the 'io' macro to preset the stream:

(io "out.aiff" :channels 2 ...)
(events (whatever) "out.aiff")

On May 5, 2004, at 3:41 PM, alin weiller wrote:

> Hello,
> I have two questions :
> 1) I want send a sound in strereo when I use the process function in 
> CM,
> I know how to send a strereo sound with (with-sound ...) but not with 
> (process ... output...) and the doc is not
> very talketive about that.
> 2) I'm looking for a good algorithm for time stretching and pitching 
> the sound with a High Quality.
> Thank you in advance.
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